News from Warren Media…


News from Warren Media…
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At last it’s British Summer Time and thankfully the winter is over, well, officially anyway. It’s been a while since we’ve been in touch, so it’s time to tell you about the latest at Warren Media.
New Equipment…
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Nothing lasts forever, and our trusty Nikon D3 camera bodies are getting a bit tired. They’ve served us well, but it’s time to move on. To ensure you get the images you deserve, we have invested in new state of the art camera bodies, the Nikon D4S. They should be arriving this week and it’s always an exciting time for any photographer, true to form we’ll be like kids on Christmas morning.
Not forgetting video, we have recently purchased an Atomos Samurai Blade external field recorder. This allows us to capture video at 220 Mbps in ProRes, ideal for ensuring the highest quality possible. Also arriving this week are a few GoPro Hero 3+ cameras for an upcoming extreme sports shoot.
New Staff…
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To ensure our office runs as smoothly as possible, we would like to welcome Mairi as our new office manager. Mairi will deal with general admin, looking after our diary bookings and dealing with invoices. Mairi lists her hobbies as music, cooking and bossing people around. Errr….
You can contact Mairi on our usual office number, 01355 229700 or via email
You’ve heard of Top Gear dog? Well, Mairi will be helped by Warren Media dog, otherwise known as Henry the Cockapoo. Henry lists his hobbies as eating, sleeping, barking at the postman and being the best dog in the world. Eh???
You can contact Henry at, well… you can’t but we do pass on his fan letters. ;-)
New Small Print…
Nobody likes small print, but we have to have it I’m afraid. To make it easier we have added our Terms & Conditions to our website, you can view them here,
So that’s all there is folks… well, apart from the bit where we say that this newsletter is private and confidential and intended for you, our valued client, and you alone. This newsletter remains the property of Warren Media and should not be passed to any third party without written permission. If you have received it in error, please delete it from your system, do not use, copy or disclose the information in any way and notify Warren Media immediately. All trading is under the terms and conditions of Warren Media, viewable at… oh, we’ve told you that bit haven’t we? E&OE. All images and video footage © Warren Media 2014.
So, thanks for sticking with us to the very end, we got there eventually…

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Lenny Warren / Warren Media
07860 830050  01355 229700
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